The Mobile Foot Clinic
Podiatrist in Sunderland

Mobile Podiatrist / Mobile Chiropodist
in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear

Mobile Podiatrist / Mobile Chiropodist
in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
Podiatry treatments and services offered within Sunderland
Let my feet do the walking by having professional treatment in the comfort of your own home
What treatments are offered and what foot problems are dealt with?
If you need podiatry / chiropody treatment in Sunderland then you've come to the right place. Treatments and services are delivered by an insured, fully qualified Podiatrist / Chiropodist who is HCPC Registered.
Lynn, Podiatrist prides herself on providing high quality foot care. Find out more about me.
Treatments / advice are available for the following conditions and foot problems (click on the links below for further info about the most common conditions, as well as how I can treat them. You may also find the patient information leaflets to the right and further down to be of help):
Nail cutting difficulties
Reduction of thickened toenails
Foot pain / heel pain
Low dye taping to off-load the plantar fascia (short-term treatment for plantar heel pain). (Fasciitis)
Ageing (elderly / older) feet
Orthotics (insoles)
Diabetic foot - head here for some top tips and what a diabetic foot assessment involves (Diabetes). Diabetes prevention obviously is always a good way forward - see here.
Arthritic conditions (arthritis)
Conditions affecting the circulatory, nervous and musculoskeletal system
Dry / cracked heels
Advice can be offered on appropriate footwear and ways to prevent future foot problems.
Foot health is important so foot health education and self-care advice can be given.
Read my top tips page for some ideas of how to keep your feet healthy.
Click the links below for further info:

Credit to Osgo
Patient information leaflets
The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists have produced a number of helpful guides regarding common foot problems and advice.
To access them, click on the paperclip below for whichever one(s) you want to view:
Further information leaflets
Osgo have also produced a number of helpful guides which Podiatrists can edit and distribute themselves.
To access them please click on the paperclip for whichever one(s) you want to view (the document will download, for you to then be able to view it in Microsoft Word - note, may not work on a mobile device):
- Athlete's foot - Corns and Callus - Fungal nails
- Bunions - Chilblains - Plantar Fasciitis
- Verrucae - Thickened toenails - Hammer toe
- Arthritis
For further information or to make an appointment:
Contact Lynn on 07935039600.
or contact me via Facebook:
or finally....head to my 'Contact me' page.