Mobile Podiatrist / Mobile Chiropodist
in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
Top tips for good foot health
created by your local Chiropodist in Sunderland

Let my feet do the walking by having professional treatment in the comfort of your own home
Top tips for looking after your feet.
It’s vital we look after our feet as we spend a lot of time on them and we can often take them for granted. They put up with a lot! – Including taking the weight of our whole body! It's clear to see why our feet are important, as foot problems can also lead to other health problems such as back, knee or hip pain.
Looking after your feet doesn’t have to cost much, even just setting aside a few minutes a day can make not only your feet feel great, but yourself too as a result! What have you got to lose.
It must be pointed out however that if you are experiencing foot pain and discomfort then seek advice (Contact me).
There are a large number of people who do experience foot problems and unfortunately don’t seek help. Prevention is key!
Tip 1 - Wash your feet regularly. Dry them well.
Get into the habit of washing your feet daily to keep them nice and clean. Use warm, soapy water and make sure you get in between your toes too. If you struggle to bend down or have poor balance, don’t worry, you could try using a long handled shower brush or where possible get someone to help you.
Once washed, make sure you dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes. This may help to prevent foot problems such as athletes foot – fungal infections can develop between the toes.
Tip 2 – Moisturise your feet.
As we know, our skin can get dry, especially during the Winter months, so it’s a good idea to apply moisturising cream to the whole foot, but avoiding between the toes. Moisturising can help prevent cracking and discomfort.
The moisturiser doesn’t have to be anything expensive.
Tip 3 – Take good care of your toenails.
Toenails should be trimmed regularly. They should never be cut at an angle or
down the edges. The correct way is to cut straight across. Incorrect cutting can
cause ingrowing toenails.
Tip 4 – Check your feet daily.
Feet should be looked at daily, especially if you have diabetes. Swelling, blisters, cuts, red spots should be observed and if concerned, seek help, especially if they aren't healing. If you are unable to check the bottom of your feet, ask a family member to help where possible, otherwise try using a mirror.
Tip 5 - Wear suitable shoes.
It’s important to wear comfortable shoes that fit you well and provide a form of protection for your feet. Shoes should never feel tight, they can worsen foot problems.
If you need to wear high heels for work, try wearing them only when at work and travel in comfortable shoes in between. Could it be possible for you to vary the height you wear regularly?
It's recommended not to walk barefoot, especially if you have diabetes.
Shoes such as flats and flip flops don’t provide arch support so may lead to foot problems, therefore try to reduce the time spent wearing these.
Shop for shoes on an afternoon as our feet swell as the day goes on. You will find better fitting, more comfortable shoes this way.
Make sure to change your socks daily in order to prevent foot odour - no-one wants smelly feet :o)
I now have a full blog post with some great tips on how to choose the right shoes for you. And sorry ladies, killer high heels are a big no no! Head here.
Tip 6 – Find a nice balance between exercise and rest.
Take care of your feet with rest and exercise. Help circulation by sitting with your feet up for 10 minutes, after a long day. Treat yourself to a well deserved cuppa too while you’re there :o)
When at home, keep that blood flowing by wiggling your toes and rotating your feet and ankles twice a day for 5 minutes at a time. Make sure to get up and stretch regularly.
Walking is the best exercise for your feet. Walking can contribute to your general health and wellbeing by improving circulation and weight control. Get out there for that crisp winter walk! But, you must remember, wear suitable footwear, especially according to weather conditions.
Tip 7 – Foot care for the elderly
As we get older our skin becomes less elastic and thinner and we become more prone to foot problems such as blisters, hard skin (callus) and corns. Various reasons can exist, whether this be due to poor sight or mobility issues, for example. It becomes harder to look after our feet as we age and sadly 1 in 3 older people are unable to cut their own toenails (Age UK, 2007).
The aforementioned tips should be utilised, e.g., how to cut toenails, moisturise, etc. But if this becomes a struggle, please don’t suffer, as already mentioned, maybe a family member or friend could help.
Otherwise, please don’t hesitate to contact myself for regular, routine appointments to keep on top of any potential problems.
Common foot problems
Learn more about the most common foot problems, how they present and how I can treat them. Click here.
I have also put together some 'Top tips to protect your feet if you have diabetes' here.
Diabetes prevention is a good way forward obviously - see here.
I have a blog post about Melanoma, a type of skin cancer. This can affect any part of your body, including your feet, so please head to it here.

For further information or to make an appointment:
Contact Lynn on 07935039600.
or contact me via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMobileFootClinicSunderland/
or finally....head to my 'Contact me' page.