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Mobile Podiatrist / Mobile Chiropodist
in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
Areas covered - Whiteleas in South Shields, Boldon, Cleadon, Marsden and Whitburn
Podiatrist treatments and services near Sunderland
Specialist footcare and health advice given, along with Podiatrist treatments, provided by The Mobile Foot Clinic within Whiteleas in South Shields, Boldon, Cleadon, Marsden and Whitburn, Tyne and Wear.
Which parts of South Shields are covered?
Areas of South Shields covered include:
Boldon Colliery

For more areas available head to the Areas Covered page.
For further information or to make an appointment:
Contact Lynn on 07935039600.
or contact me via Facebook:
or finally....head to my 'Contact me' page.

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