It’s Foot Health Week! The theme this year is about the impact of our working lives on our feet 🦶

This week, 25th April to 1st May 2022 is Foot Health Week.
Our feet are such an important part of our bodies, something we take for granted. Just think how many hours some of us spend on our feet…
This year for Foot Health Week, the theme is focussing on the impact of our working lives on our feet. Many of us have jobs which require being on our feet for many hours, some even for eight to ten hour periods. Just think of the negative effect 🙁 The images above themselves show us that not only does working hours on end on our feet affect us physically, but also sadly, mentally too. Likewise, it can affect the quality of our work.
🦶 Have you noticed foot pain or other foot problems?
If you have, why not put your feet in safe hands and see an HCPC registered Podiatrist (also known as a Chiropodist). You can have peace of mind that I am HCPC registered.

🦶 Foot pain should not be pushed aside, we need to listen to our feet.
Any foot pain which you have experienced for more than two weeks or which keeps recurring, please get in touch. As a Podiatrist I can provide an assessment to identify the cause, offer treatment and any future relevant, educational advice / prevention ideas.
Particularly with regards to working on your feet for hours, preventative advice would include wearing footwear which is suitable for your work to limit discomfort and chance of injury. Within this blog I will provide some ideas.
🦶 So, how can you look after your feet when working on them for hours on end?
Firstly, your feet should be kept in good shape to limit your risk of developing foot problems. Please head to my page showing top tips here.
🦶 Top tips to help prevent work related foot pain problems (applicable to day to day life too):
👣 Firstly, does your shoe actually fit? It is surprising how many of us walk around in ill-fitting shoes. Your shoes should accommodate your foot shape in terms of the correct width, length and depth.
👣 Bearing in mind your type of job, does your footwear meet the health and safety requirements of your role?
Maybe you need safety footwear, anti-slip or a full shoe - make sure to wear the correct footwear to comply with health and safety regulations.
👣 Does your footwear offer support?
Your footwear needs to give you suitable support at the arch and heel. Also, if you have orthotics which need to go into your shoes, do you have enough room? Foot pain may be as a result of lack of support.
👣 Do you have adequate ways of ensuring your shoes stay on? Fastenings and laces are ideal ways to ensure your shoes stay on your feet. If your shoes slip about, they don’t fit or are are backless then you increase your risk of falls and slips.
🦶 How can you find the shoe that fits?
My blog post here offers some general tips.
Also, refer to the below infographic for more ideas…so important. (Image credit - RCPod, 2022)

🦶 Finally........
Please note that everything above is for guidance only. If you need further advice then please contact myself for an appointment, where I can provide an assessment, treatment and advice.
Remember it is vital you look after your feet.... Lynn, #Podiatrist and Owner, x